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Milk Formulas for Your Babies’ Needs
When you are buying wipes and diapers at the nursery, you might also be thinking about whether you want to get milk formula as well.
Doctors recommend that moms may breastfeed as breastfeeding is best for the child. But, if you are unable to breastfeed your child for some reason, then start by purchasing just enough formula that can last for a couple of days and find out how the baby likes it before you buy it in bulk.
Milk formula may not contain everything found in breast milk, it has many vitamins and nutrients that babies need. Infant Formulas are available in a variety of types. There are formulas from cow’s and soy milk, hydrolyzed formulas, and formulas for special needs.
Formula From Cow’s Milk and Soy
Your pediatrician should recommend the baby formula that is most suitable for your young one. Most doctors suggest cow’s milk based formulas and most of infant formula available today on the market are these. However, if the baby has a milk allergy or doesn’t agree with the formula, doctors may suggest soy-based formulas made from soy milk.
Hydrolyzed Formula
If allergies run in your family, the pediatrician may suggest using hydrolyzed baby formula as it makes it less likely that your baby will get allergies. Also, this infant formula is the easiest to digest. It is an ideal formula for children up to 6-8 months of age.
Some formulas available in the market have probiotics or the “good” bacteria that live in the gut and yogurts. It gives the baby the same bacteria that breastfed babies have that keep their intestines healthier.
Iron For Baby
Choose the baby formula that is enriched with iron, unless your doctor recommends otherwise. According to the recommendation of The American Academy of Pediatrics, all babies who aren’t breastfed should get formula with iron for one year. Iron helps prevent anemia, which is a deficiency of iron in the blood.