Hemani Avocado Oil 30ml is rich in vitamin and high fiber fruit that contains essential fatty acids. The oil has been used for various dietary and nutrition reasons for centuries. It is known for its numerous benefits to health. It is effective for lowering blood pressure and cholesterol level. It also moisturizes dry and dull hair and skin.
Avocado Oil is infused with complex chemical compounds that are rich in antimicrobial, antioxidant and anti inflammatory properties. This oil is proven to be beneficial for gastrointestinal, respiration processes, reducing the risk of heart diseases and helps in reducing stress. It also has a positive anti allergenic effect as it also functions as an antihistamine.
It helps in improving heart health. It is a rich source of vitamin E which is beneficial for skin and eye health. It softens and nourishes the dull and dry skin and improves digestion. It is one of the most effective weight loss solutions.
Being naturally rich in omega-9, minerals and vitamins, avocado oil is often used as a beauty product. It has various skin care and hair care properties for example, it protects, treats, nourishes, softens, repairs, revitalises and works as an anti-aging agent. It leaves a protective film on the skin that has anti-premature skin aging properties.