Keune Hair Color-8.17 Light Ash violet has Solamer UV Protector to protect your hair from dangerous UV rays. The hair color comes with Silk Protein Conditioner for awesome conditioning and minimal staining on your scalp. It leaves your hair in fine condition and a brilliant shine. Tinta Color gives complete blonde coverage. Colors range from natural shades to sparkling blondes and deep reds.
Why Keune Hair Color?
Following are some of the reasons you should start using Tinta Color ASAP:
Soft, silky shine
Durability because of UV Protector quality
No staining on your scalp
Best hair conditioning
Why it Works
The only secret behind the Tinta Color is the Triple Color Protection. Tinta Color is linked with a cream extracted from the coconut fruit. The cream shields your scalp from staining and also gives a creamy texture. This texture lets you efficiently blend and shields your hair during the color application.
Unlimited color shades are possible by using mixed colors.
The featured LP 300 Color Stabilizer shields the integrity of your hair structure.
A permanent hair shading and perfect hair conditioning.
Keune Hair Color is a cream color with 100 percent grey coverage.
Protector LP 300 and silk protein forms lovely shine and immense softness.
Keune Hair Color leaves your hair in the best condition with a lovely shine.
Uv Protection
Keune Hair Color has a solar UV protector that shields your hair from UV damage.
The Color Fading Lp 300 Color Stabilizer
The Tinta Cream developer has LP 300 that causes the pigments to bind better into your hair structure and safeguards your hair structure during the color service. This results in ever-lasting hair color.